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Found 18742 results for any of the keywords 5 000 lbs. Time 0.008 seconds.
Move 5,000 Pounds: 1 Operator Can Move up to 5,000 lbs | AeroGoOne person can safely move up to 5,000 lbs., using air casters. Air casters reduce friction, which reduces operator strain and eliminates floor damage. Contact AeroGo today.
AeroGo Videos - Move Heavy Loads Easily | AeroGo, Inc.Click here to see how AeroGo s air bearings solve load moving problems and contact us today!
Need To Move 20,000 lbs? Air Casters Make it Easy | AeroGoMoving up to 20,000 lbs. is easily accomplished using air casters. Move the load in all directions without cranes, rails or winches. See a video of AeroGo Air Casters in action - two children moving a big truck!
Move Up to 5000 Tons - Heavy Load Moving Solutions | AeroGoAirplanes, ships, caissons, stadium seating, and other seemingly impossible moves are made possible with AeroGo load moving solutions. Call us today or speak to us on live chat!
4 x 5 Portable Weld Manipulator | Column Boom Welding ManipulatorsLJ's MNP-600 portable welding manipulator has welding boom stiffness and weld head stability, operator controls, easy use controls. Click here for more info:
Welding Automation Solutions, Systems Material Handling EquipmentExplore our comprehensive range of welding automation solutions, system lines, and material handling equipment designed to boost efficiency productivity.
12' x 12' Column and Boom Welding ManipulatorsLJ's 12' x 12' column and boom welding manipulator has a 132 inch boom stroke 144 inch column stroke. It can be fitted for sub arc or MIG welding - learn more:
9' x 9' Column and Boom Welding ManipulatorLJ's 9' x 9' column and boom welding manipulator has a boom stroke of 108 inches column stroke of 96 inches. Click here for more info on welding manipulators:
6' x 6' Column Boom Welding Manipulator - LJ Welding AutomationThe MN6-100 column and boom welding manipulator has a 72 inch boom column stroke. Click here for more weld manipulator information and request a quote today!
16′ x 16′ Column and Boom Welding ManipulatorsLJ's 16' x 16' column and boom welding manipulators are fully customizable to fit any metal fabrication facility's needs. View options contact us today!
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